X Window System (Xlib) Internationalization Programming
Font Set

A font is a collection of glyph data to draw characters. Usually a font contains all glyph data of a character set such as ISO Latin-1 and JIS X0208. Before the X international functionality became available, an X program draws a character string by examining which character set each character in the string belongs to and draws it with a font of the character set.

The X international functionality has introduced a font set, a set of fonts to draw character strings of a coded character set (codeset) such as eucJP and Shift-JIS. For example, a Shift-JIS font set contains two fonts: JIS X0201 and JIS X0208. With a font set, an X program draws a character string by just calling an internationalized X library function with a font set and the string as arguments.

The following are international X library functions related to font set:

Function			 Description
XCreateFontSet			 Creates a font set
XFreeFontSet			 Deletes a font set
XFontsOfFontSet			 Obtains fonts which compose a font set
XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet	 Obtains a base font name list of a font set
XLocaleOfFontSet		 Obtains a locale name related to a font set
XContextDependentDrawing	 Examines the context dependency of a font set
XExtentsOfFontSet		 Obtains the max width of glyphs in a font set
XContextualDrawing		 Examines the context dependency of a font set
XDirectionalDependentDrawing     Examines the text directionality of a font set
The following are the mappings of international functions and non-international functions regarding font set:
Non-international     International
function	      function
XLoadFont	      XCreateFontSet
XQueryFont	      XCreateFontSet
XLoadQueryFont        XCreateFontSet
XFreeFont	      XFreeFontSet
XUnloadFont	      XFreeFontSet

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