X Window System (Xlib) Internationalization Programming
Text Input

In order to support languages that cannot be inputted directly from keyboard, like Japanese characters, an abstract of input method has been introduced . An input method may be an independent server process (X Input Method Server, XIMS for short) or an embedded functionality in Xlib. In either case, an international Xlib function XOpenIM() opens an input method and XCreateIC() creates an input context, which is an operational unit of text input.

The following are international X library functions related to text input:

Function			     Description
XOpenIM				     Opens an input method
XCloseIM			     Closes an input method
XDisplayOfIM			     Obtains a display related to an input method
XLocaleOfIM			     Obtains a locale related to an input method
XSetIMValues		             Sets the properties of an input method
XGetIMValues			     Gets the properties of an input method
XCreateIC			     Creates an input context
XVaCreateNestedList		     Creates a nested variable-length list
XDestroyIC			     Destroys an input context
XIMofIC				     Obtains an input method related to an input context
XSetICValues			     Sets the properties of an input context
XGetICValues			     Gets the properties of an input context
XSetICFocus			     Sets the focus on an input context
XUnsetICFocus			     Unsets the focus on an input context
XmbResetIC			     Resets the state of an input context
XwcResetIC			     Resets the state of an input context
XFilterEvent			     Filters an X event for text input
XmbLookupString			     Obtains the inputted text as a multibyte string
XwcLookupString			     Obtains the inputted text as a wide character string
XRegisterIMINstantiateCallback	     Registers a callback function called when an input method becomes available
XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback     Registers a callback function called when an input method becomes unavailable
The following are the mappings of international functions and non-international functions regarding text input:
Non-international     International function     International function
function	      (wide character)	         (multibyte character)
XLookupString	      XwcLookupString		 XmbLookupString	
XLookupKeysym	      XwcLookupString		 XmbLookupString

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