X Window System (Xlib) Internationalization Programming
Output Method

X Window System Version 11 Release 6 (X11R6) has introduced an output method, a more sophisticated framework of font handling than font set. In X Window System programming with output method, XOpenOM() opens an output method and XCreateOM() creates an output context. Output context is actually a synonym of font set and that all Xlib functions that accept a font set also accept an output context as an argument.

The following are international X library functions related to output method:

Function	 Description
XOpenOM		 Opens an output method
XCloseOM	 Closes an output method
XDisplayOfOM     Obtains a display related to an output method
XLocaleOfOM	 Obtains a locale related to an output method
XSetOMValues	 Sets the properties of an output method
XGetOMValues	 Gets the properties of an output method
XCreateOC	 Creates an output context
XDestroyOC	 Destroys an output context
XOMOfOC		 Obtains an output method related to an output context
XSetOCValues	 Sets the properties of an output context
XGetOCValues	 Gets the properties of an output context
The following are the mappings of international functions and non-international functions regarding output method:
Non-international     International
function	      function
XLoadFont	      XCreateOC
XQueryFont	      XCreateOC
XLoadQueryFont        XCreateOC
XFreeFont	      XDestroyOC
XUnloadFont	      XDestroyOC

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