World Wide Navi Help
Translate By Sisulizer

Sisulizer is a software localization tool that can make the process of software-localization automatic and effective.
World Wide Navi can create Sisulizer projects to translate generated resources such as Windows exe, dll, Java properties file, and others without launching Sisulizer manually.
After you internationalize the software and build it, you can start localization very simply with this function from World Wide Navi GUI, Eclipse Plugin, and Visual Studio Addin.

YouTube Demo
MP4 Demo

This operation is available in [L10N] -> [Translate By Sisulizer], [Translate By Sisulizer Icon In Toolbar], or
[Right Click In Source Directory] -> [L10N] -> [Translate By Sisulizer].

Before using this function, you need to install Sisulizer, non-translator version.
For more details about Sisulizer, refer to the following.
Kokusaika JP Sisulizer page
Sisulizer original site (Europe)

Currently, Sisulizer supports Windows only, so this operation is available in Windows only, too.

[Target Resource]
Specify the resource file path and its described language to translate.
'...MyMFC\Debug\wwnavi_string_MyMFC.dll' (Visual Studio MFC resource dll)
'...MyDotNet\bin\MyDotNet.exe' (Visual Studio .NET application)
'...MyASPDotNet\App_GlobalResources\Default.resx' (ASP.NET resource)
'...MyJava/src/' (Java property file)
'...MyPHP/src/.../lang.po' (gettext resource for PHP, ...)
... and others
Main Target Resources
Application TypeResource Path
Using gettextYOUR SOURCE DIR/*.pot(po)
.NET Form(VC++)YOUR SOLUTION DIR/Debug(Release)/YOUR_APP.exe
.NET Form(C#/VB)YOUR PROJECT DIR/bin/Debug(Release)/YOUR_APP.exe
.NET SilverlightYOUR PROJECT.Web DIR/ClientBin/YOUR_APP.xap
or YOUR PROJECT DIR/bin/Debug(Release)/YOUR_APP.xap
Windows MFC/Win32YOUR SOLUTION DIR/Debug(Release)/wwnavi_string_YOUR_APP.dll
or YOUR PROJECT DIR/App_GlobalResources/YOUR_ASPX_NAME.resx
JavaYOUR SOURCE DIR/*.proeprties
JSPYOUR SOURCE DIR/WEB-INF/classes/*.proeprties

*For resource creation (separating source code and resource files), refer to Internationalization Programming.

[Language] is set the system language by default.

[Target Languages]
Select the languages into which you want to translate resources by clicking [>].
Adding order of the languages can be changed by clicking [Move Up] and [Move Down].
You can remove the language from the selected ones by clicking [Remove].

[Sisulizer Settings]
Specify the Sisulizer installation directory which has the executable 'SlMake.exe'.
(Translator version doesn't have this executable.)
Specify the directory where you create a project and its file name.
If [Use the same directory as resource] is checked, the project file will be created in the same directory as the target resource.
If [Overwrite the existing project] is checked, the project file will be deleted and re-created, if not checked (by default), the existing file won't be updated.
If [Launch Sisulizer after project creation] is checked, Sisulizer will start up automatically after creating the project.

Create a Sisulizer project to translate the target resource into the target languages.
If the target project already exists, Sisulizer starts up and loads that project only.
(When [Overwrite the existing project] is not checked, and [Launch Sisulizer after project creation] is checked.)

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