World Wide Navi Help
Insert Comments for Skipping

Source Code Analysis skips errors in the line or block with Skipping Comments inserted by the dialog in
[I18N] -> [Insert Comments for Skipping (Line/Block)],
[Insert Comments for Skipping (Line/Block) Icon In Toolbar], or
[Right Click On Editors] -> [I18N] -> [Insert Comments for Skipping (Line/Block)].

This is for avoiding analysis of unnecessary codes (e.g. no longer used, unrelated to internationalization, and others).


If you want to skip errors by each line, use Line Comments.
Line comment syntax is following.
Program Codes... "/*" or "//" + Commnet Header + Error Number to Skip + Addtional Comment
Examples are described in the labels of
Setup Dialog.

[Row to Insert]
Indicate the row number and image of the line selected on the editor to insert the comment.

[Comment Type]
Select a comment type, either "/**/" or "//" based on C++.
For other programming language not supporting these type, the appropriate symbols will be added in the beginning automatically as follows.
VB ... 'Comment
JSP ... <%--Comment--%>

[Comment Header]
Comment header common in every skipping, set by Setup Dialog.

[Error Number to Skip]
Specify which errors get skipped with the separator ",".
(e.g. The line char* mag ="Hello!" returns 2 errors (char* and "Hello!"), and if you want to skip all of 2 errors, set 'Error Number to Skip' "1, 2". If you want second one only, set "2").

[Additional Comment]
Write your own comment. This doesn't affect skipping at all.

Append the comment to the selected line shown in [Row to Insert].


If you want to skip errors in the block (selected area on editors made of several lines), use Block Comments.
Block comment syntax is following.
"/*" or "//" + Commnet Header + "S" + Addtional Comment
Program Codes...
Program Codes...
Program Codes...
"/*" or "//" + Commnet Header + "E" + Addtional Comment
Examples are described in the labels of
Setup Dialog.

[Row to Insert Starting Comment]
Indicate the row number and image of the first line of selected area on the editor to insert the starting comment (with "S").

[Row to Insert Ending Comment]
Indicate the row number and image of the last line of selected area on the editor to insert the ending comment (with "E").

[Comment Type]
Select a comment type, either "/**/" or "//" based on C++.
For other programming language not supporting these type, the appropriate symbols will be added in the beginning automatically as follows.
VB ... 'Comment
JSP ... <%--Comment--%>

[Comment Header]
Comment header common in every skipping, set by Setup Dialog.

[Additional Comment]
Write your own comment. This doesn't affect skipping at all.

Put the selected area (block) which is beginning at [Row to Insert Starting Comment] and ending at [Row to Insert Ending Comment] between the new comment lines.

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