World Wide Navi Help
Analyze Source Codes

Analyze source codes and output error (problem code) details, summary, and missing keywords. Important codes (not error but requiring attention) also can be detected. All analysis are based on Analysis Rules.
About analysis rules, refer to Analysis Rules.

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Analysis results appears in Result Views on the bottom of the screen.
About result views, refer to Result Views.

Those results can be output as Result Reports.
About result reports, refer to Result Reports.

This operation is available in [I18N] -> [Analyze], [Analyze Icon In Toolbar],
[Right Click In Source Directory] -> [I18N] -> [Analyze], or
[Right Click On Editors] -> [I18N] -> [Analyze].

This process is a main function of World Wide Navi.

Analysis of some specific codes can be skipped by Inserting Skipping Comments, Setting Skipping Files, or Setting Skipping by Rules.

Target sources (directory or files) to analyze.
This is set active directory or files of the source tree, or active editor source.

Programming language of the specified sources.
This is set automatically with the file extensions registered in Setup Dialog.

This is source code encoding set by Importing Dialog or Properties Dialog (in Standalone GUI).
In Eclipse Plugin, this is the same value as Eclipse property diloag.
In Visual Studio Addin, this is the same value as Visual Studio source encoding.
If you set incorrect encoding, source code parsing may end in errors.
*If some errors occurred, try to change the encoding.

[Rule Libraries]
Changing these libraries switches the rules to be used for analysis.
('Common' is a basic library used automatically for every analysis.)
About the libraries, refer to the Libraries described later.

[Rule Level]
Tune the level of rules used for this analysis, generally basic or easy rules are set '1', more strict or difficult rules set higher.
Default rules are set as follows.
Level 1 ... Check embedded strings to be externalized
Level 2 ... Check basic data declaration and function use, fixed format, fonts, 
            image and media file path, web page encoding, .etc.
Level 3 ... Check code porting, bidirectional language supports, .etc. 
Analysis searches for rules of levels equals to or lower than specified, this means if you sepcify '2', the level '1' and '2' rules will be used.

[Ignore syntax errors]
Resume analysis after some errors occurred during parsing.

[Enable debug mode]
If checked, parsing dump gets output to the working directory.
This is the same as debug mode option of command UI.
For more details, refer to the command help with 'wwlint --help'.

[Report Option]
If you want to output reports of analysis, check [Save to file] and specify the target directory, report types, encoding, and others.

Analyze source codes in the specified path with rules of the selected libraries.
After analyzing, results get output in result views on the bottom of screen.
About the result views, refer to
Result Views.

If [Save to file] is checked, result reports will be created.
About the result reports, refer to Result Reports


Analysis is based on
Analysis Rules, and searches for the rules of sepcified language with selected libraries.
Libraries are two types, predifined one (with many default rules) or user customizable.
You can switch the libraries corresponding to your application usage or environment (e.g. desktop or servlet, Linux or Windows, MFC or .NET .etc.).
The Following is descriptions of predifined library rules and use cases.

Std             ...   Standard POSIX C programming rules for Unix/Linux.
Win32           ...   Windows SDK programming rules for Windows.
MFC (C++ only)  ...   MFC programming rules for Windows.
.NET (C++ only) ...   .NET programming rules for Windows.
gettext         ...   Gettext rules for Unix/Linux.
GTK+            ...   GTK programming rules for Unix/Linux.
Qt (C++ only)   ...   Qt programming rules for Unix/Linux.
X               ...   X window programming rules for Unix/Linux.
Motif           ...   Motif window programming rules for Unix/Linux.
Custom          ...   Reserved. No rules.
Std             ...   Standard J2SE programming rules.
AWT             ...   AWT window programming rules.
Swing           ...   Swing window programming rules.
J2EE            ...   J2EE Servlet programming rules.
Custom          ...   Reserved. No rules.
.NET            ...   .NET programming rules for Windows.
Custom          ...   Reserved. No rules.
6.0             ...   Visual Basic 6.0 programming rules for Windows.
.NET            ...   .NET programming rules for Windows.
Custom          ...   Reserved. No rules.
Std             ...   Standard J2SE programming rules.
J2EE            ...   J2EE Servlet programming rules.
JSP             ...   JSP programming rules.
Custom          ...   Reserved. No rules.
.NET            ...   .NET programming rules for Windows.
ASP             ...   ASP programming rules.
Custom          ...   Reserved. No rules.
Std             ...   Standard JavaScript programming rules.
Custom          ...   Reserved. No rules.
Std             ...   Standard ActionScript programming rules.
Custom          ...   Reserved. No rules.
Use Cases

Use CaseRecommended Library Set
Visual Studio MFC ApplicationWin32 + MFC
Visual Studio Win32/ATL ApplicationWin32
Visual Studio .NET/CLR Application.NET
Java Desktop ApplicationStd + AWT + Swing
Java Servlet ApplicationStd + J2EE
Legacy Visual Basic Application6.0
Linux Gnome ApplicationStd + gettext + GTK+
Qt ApplicationStd + Qt
Legacy Unix X Window ApplicationStd + X
Legacy Unix Motif ApplicationStd + Motif
Struts Web ApplicationStd + J2EE + JSP
ASP.NET Web Application.NET + ASP
JavaScript Ajax UIStd
ActionScript FlushStd

Result Views

Analysis results will be shown in the result views on the bottom of the screen.

Error Detail View
The codes shown in this view have some problems and must be fixed in accordance with
Advisory Info or other ways.
(Number of the codes in this view can be set by Setup Dialog.)

Level of this error set by Analysis Rule Level.
For details, refer to Level.

[Syntax Type]
Corresponding to Analysis Rule Category.

Corresponding to Analysis Rule Library.
For details, refer to Libraries.

[Error Location]
Corresponding to Analysis Rule Keyword.

File name and path of the error.

Line number of the error spot.

Description of the error solution set by Analysis Rule Description.

Alternatives (e.g. data type or functions) for this error set by Analysis Rule Alternatives.

Refer to Operation on Views.

[Advisory Info]
URL of the advisory information for this error set by Analysis Rule Advisory Info.

Error Summary View
These are general summary of detected errors in each

[Header Information]
Line CountTotal number of source code lines
File CountTotal number of source code files
DeclarationTotal number of declaration errors
Function CallsTotal number of function-call errors
String LiteralsTotal number of string-literal errors
Character ComparisonTotal number of character-comparison errors
Word Count (*1)Total number of words in the strings to be externalized.
*This denotes the abstract cost of word-based translation. (e.g. English)
Character Count (*2)Total number of characters in the strings to be externalized.
*This denotes the abstract cost of character-based translation. (e.g. Japanese)
*1)The free edition counts at most 200 words only.
To count all words, upgrading to the commercial license is required.

*2)The free edition counts at most 500 characters only.
To count all characters, upgrading to the commercial license is required.

The same as Error Detail View.

[Syntax Type]
The same as Error Detail View.

The same as Error Detail View.

Corresponding to Analysis Rule Keyword.

The same as Error Detail View.

The same as Error Detail View.

[File of First Appearance]
The first location of this error.

[Number of Appearances]
Total number of this error appearances.

[Advisory Info]
The same as Error Detail View.

Missing Keyword View
These are necessary codes (functions, declarations, and others) but not appearing in correct location of sources.
They must be inserted in accordance with
Advisory Info or other ways.

The same as Error Detail View.

The same as Error Detail View.

[Missing Keyword]
Corresponding to Analysis Rule Keyword.

The same as Error Detail View.

[Search Result]
Indicate if the missing keyword doesn't exist or exists but in the wrong location.
If it exists in wrong location, navigate there with double clicking.

[Location where This Keyword Was Found]
If the missing keyword exists in wrong location, show that point.

[Location to be Found]
The right location where this keyword should exist (function name or others),
set by Necessary Keyword Rules.

[Advisory Info]
The same as Error Detail View.

Important Code View
The codes shown in this view require attention for some reason (affected by locale settings .etc.) and had better be checked just in case.
They themselves don't have problems, so don't need to be fixed like
Error Detail View.
(Number of the codes in this view can be set by Setup Dialog.)

The same as Error Detail View.

[Syntax Type]
The same as Error Detail View.

The same as Error Detail View.

[Important Code]
Corresponding to Analysis Rule Keyword.

The same as Error Detail View.

The same as Error Detail View.

The same as Error Detail View.

[Advisory Info]
The same as Error Detail View.

Operation on Views

[Jump to the Line]
Go to the beginning of the line with this error.
Double-clicking do the same if it's set by
Setup Dialog

[Fix Errors Automatically]
Externalize the embedded strings or replace deprecated declarations or functions with their alternatives in the current line.
Double-clicking do the same if it's set by Setup Dialog

[Show Advisory Info]
Open the advisory info set in the rule of this error.
For details, refer to Analysis Rule Advisory Info.
Double-clicking do the same if it's set by Setup Dialog

[Show Alternative MAN Page]
Open the MAN page of the alternatives set in the rule of this error.
For details, refer to Analysis Rule Alternatives.
This operation is available in Linux only.

[Search Web]
Search for the related links to this error using our search page powered by Google.
Double-clicking do the same if it's set by Setup Dialog

The shown errors can be filtered by each column.

[Clear Analysis Result]
Clear the results shown in the views.

[Check/Unckeck 'Skip']
Checking inserts skipping comments into the current line.
Unchecking removes skipping comments from the current line.

About skipping comments, refer to Insert Comments for Skipping.

[Header Clicking]
Sort the results ascended or descended by the clicked column.

Result Reports

Analysis results can be output as reports with the same information as
Result Views.

You can select a report type from among 'html', 'csv', and 'text' in the analysis dialog, choose keeping or replacing old reports, and open the reports on the analysis completion dialog or the menu [File] -> [Open Report].

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Copyright (C) 2012 Kokusaika JP, Inc.
All rights reserved. No reproduction or republication without written permission.